Bupa Members

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We're part of the Bupa Members First Ultimate network

100% back on check-ups and general fillings at Members First Ultimate clinics

Your dental health affects your overall health – that’s why we’re here to make dental care more accessible

100% back on check-ups and cleans without impacting yearly limits1

At Members First Ultimate clinics, you could get up to two 6-monthly dental check-up and cleans (select dental items only) per person per year, claimable outside of your yearly limits.1
That means no out-of-pocket costs when you take the family (for members included on your policy), for a dental check-up, while saving your limits for later.1

Did someone say 100% back on general fillings?2

Great news – you could now get 100% back on General Dental fillings within yearly limits.2 Eligibility criteria apply.

Am I eligible?

To be eligible for Members First Ultimate benefits, all you need is an eligible Bupa extras policy including General Dental.

To find out more, visit https://www.bupadental.com.au/no-gap-dental

If you’re a Bupa member with combined Hospital and Extras cover, including general dental, you can enjoy gap free regular dental check-ups and other preventative services, up to yearly limits. It’s just another way we’re making it easier for you to get preventative oral health care. Waiting periods, policy and fund rules apply.

No gap dental services

Pay nothing on the following preventative services:

Our results

Inspirational Statement

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Kathy Fletcher

Practice Manager
Kathy has been an integral part of the practice for over 10 years. Her approachable and empathetic nature help create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for patients. She loves her team and is passionate about supporting them build strong relationships with patients.

Luisa Escalante

Oral Health Therapist

Bachelor of Oral Health. University of Newcastle 

Luisa has worked in the dental industry for over a decade and has been a dental practitioner for over 6 years. She has a particular interest in preventative dentistry and believes that oral health is an integral part of overall health. Luisa prioritises her patient’s comfort, her caring and approachable manner help ease any anxiety. Luisa enjoys working with children and helping them create positive habits for life.

In her spare time, Luisa enjoys exercising, dancing and family gatherings.


Dr Isabel Drewling


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Loream It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Dr Anshu Singh


Bachelor of Dentistry and Bachelor of Medical Science. The University of Sydney 

Dr Anshu Singh enjoys the fusion of art and science in dentistry. She values the importance of prevention and loves helping patients change habits to improve their health for the better.

Outside of work you’ll find Anshu reading, travelling and trying out new bars & restaurants.

Dr Ellis Vakirtzis


Dr Ellis Vakirtzis delivers professional and patient-oriented dental care for the whole family, with his gentle manner putting even the most anxious patients at ease. He takes the time to explain all options and develops a strong relationship with patients to better understand their needs.

Ellis has a Doctor of Dental Medicine and Bachelor of Medical Science from The University of Sydney, during which time he won the Dental Alumni Society Award II for proficiency in operative dentistry. He has a special interest in preventative dentistry, orthodontics, and implants, and as such has completed further training through Progressive Orthodontic Seminars (graduating with Highest Honours), Invisalign, and the Nobel Biocare Mentorship Program.

He also believes in finding a balance between work and play, so outside of the dental clinic you will find him on the golf course working on his slice, at the beach searching for that perfect wave to surf, or at the cafè with family and friends.

Dr John Vakirtzis

Outside of work he enjoys bike riding, tennis, brunching with his daughter and reading the Bible. 

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